Tally ERP Service Center

We at Tally Saudi Arabia take immense pride in Tally’s ‘Power of Simplicity’®. This philosophy drives Tally’s product design – bringing you an unmatched ease of use.

There may be occasions when you require some services to complement the knowledge and competency of the people in your organization. Or you might just prefer to outsource IT maintenance completely.

You have access to our vast pool of highly competent Tally Services personnel.

Advanced Training
We provide advanced training for you and your staff each coined according to their work profile and befitting the industry. A Tally expert with various industries experience and having knowledge of local Taxation Rules and Statutory compliance shall impart training.

We bet the little thousand-bucks software will be worth million-bucks enterprise solution.

A small list of the services on offer
• On site support – when you need someone to visit your office to fix something
• Training on product use
• Statutory Setup – VAT, Service Tax, TDS, FBT, Excise
• Annual Maintenance Contracts
• Data Synchronization setup – between head office, branches & factories
• Data Migration – from other products
• Invoice & PO Customizations – and other documents
• Integration with other products and devices
• Extending the product functionality to suit specific needs
• Customizing Synchronization and data transformation
• Deployment across India
• Building specific controls and constraints
• Data Recovery & Correction
• Reset your forgotten password
• Speeding up Tally operations with huge data

Let's get you started.

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